Wednesday, June 29

Where to write?

(This is something that I was writing as part of an assignment from a creative writing textbook where I had to cover the screen and write on the topic of what I prefer to write with and why. I had no available word processor so I figured I might as well splat this on my blog since I was at it. Done in 10 minutes.)

In all perfect honestly, I prefer to use a computer above other writing media. There is something very clean and neat about having things on a computer, although my bias in that area may have more to do with my rather untidy handwriting (which in all fairness looks like a bunch of mad chickens were allowed to have free reign over a puddle of ink and a few blank pages). There is certainly something very satisfying about writing on paper, but it is rather slower for me, requires the extra effort of typing it up on the computer if I want to show it to anyone and ultimately, there is the plain fact that I usually not even I can not tell what the garbled mess is supposed to say once there is a whole page of tightly cluttered (I'm too cheap to write in every other line, even for clarity sake) scratchings, overlapping and reaching out up to two lines above or below. When the letters weren't much to look at, all melting into each other and lopsided, having other letters from far below or above zigzag over them gets unreadably messy.
Bottom line is that I prefer to use a computer. The trouble is that a computer is also the media that I do multiple other things, so distractions are ripe and plentiful. I've gotten so used to using it for recreational purposes that when I sit down at a computer, I immediately go into relaxation mode and it is time for some fun. It stops me from pulling up a word processor or blog post. Of course, that's not the only reason (my insecurities in regards to what I write are probably a larger factor) but its still one of the first obstacles that I encounter when I am trying to get down to some writing. Usually when I've sat down at a computer and decided that it was time to get my creative on and write some stuff, even if it was only meant to be for practice, I'll usually end up glancing at the clock and realizing that a few hours have passed and I haven't started yet but instead what I've done is chat with friends and checked the latest news, social or comic sites. It is an unfortunate overlap of pleasure and work that needs to be over come. But then, its probably that way for most creative jobs. How can the painter stop just doodling to finish that fresco that he promised the client, when every time he sits down at the sketching table his mind wanders and he starts doodling instead. Hopefully at some point the pleasure and work aspects will overlap (much like my scrabbling writing) because, after all, why else would be go through the trouble of working hard for years without pay, just in the hopes that one day someone will want to read our book?